About Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines

Pharmasave Carlton Heights is a well-established pharmacy and health services provider that has been serving the residents of St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada for over 30 years. Located in the heart of the Carlton Heights community, this pharmacy is committed to providing top-quality health care services and products to their customers. The pharmacy has an experienced and knowledgeable team of pharmacists and health professionals who are always available to provide patients with the information they need to manage their health effectively. The team is highly dedicated to providing personalized attention and creating a comfortable and friendly environment for their customers. Pharmasave Carlton Heights provides a comprehensive range of pharmacy services, including medication dispensing, prescription transfers, medication reviews, and compounding. The pharmacy also offers a variety of health care products, such as vitamins, nutritional supplements, medical equipment, and diabetic supplies. Aside from the regular pharmacy services, Pharmasave Carlton Heights also offers a range of specialized health services, such as medication management programs, flu shots, travel vaccinations, and smoking cessation programs. These services are designed to ensure that customers receive personalized care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Customers of Pharmasave Carlton Heights can enjoy a loyalty rewards program that offers exclusive savings and discounts on their purchases. The pharmacy also offers prescription deliveries and online refills, making it convenient for customers who are unable to visit the store in person. Overall, Pharmasave Carlton Heights is a reliable pharmacy that is committed to providing its customers with the highest quality health care services and products.

How We Pick Our Top Realtors

We pick the top realtors for a community by looking at the current listings in the area, online reviews, and social media presence. We weigh our rankings towards agents with the most listings within a community, positive online reviews, and a positive social media presence.We periodically update our information and last reviewed Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines on May 22 2023.

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Average Listing Price $631,433 $509,000 $525,000
Number of local listings 1 1 1
Number of active listings 3 1 1
% Houses
% Condo/Townhouse
% Commercial/Retail
% Vacant Land
% Other
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In Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines, RICK SIMIONI is an accomplished real estate professional. RICK SIMIONI is situated at the ROYAL LEPAGE NRC REALTY office location. They have extensive knowledge of the local Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines market and are dedicated to helping their clients get top dollar for their properties. Their imaginative thinking in real estate has resulted in RICK SIMIONI's successful career. Providing clients with a seamless and enjoyable experience is RICK SIMIONI's top priority during and after the transaction.

We found that RICK SIMIONI currently has 3 active listings for sale in the Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines area, as per our review. On average, their active listings were listed at $ 631,433. RICK SIMIONI has a breakdown of listings that includes 33 percent houses, 33 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 34 percent other properties.

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In the Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines area, SPENCER DEWOLFE is a respected real estate professional. SPENCER DEWOLFE works out of the MASTERSON REALTY LTD,BROKERAGE office. They possess a deep understanding of the Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines real estate market and are dedicated to helping clients achieve top dollar for their properties. SPENCER DEWOLFE's innovative approach to real estate has helped them become a successful professional. SPENCER DEWOLFE is committed to making the transaction process a smooth and enjoyable experience for clients.

We found that SPENCER DEWOLFE currently has 1 active listings for sale in the Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines area, as per our review. Their active listings had an average price of $ 509,000. Of SPENCER DEWOLFE's listings, 100 percent are houses, 0 percent are condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 0 percent are other types of properties.

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AMBER MARIE ESTABROOKS is employed as a real estate professional in Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines. AMBER MARIE ESTABROOKS works out of the COLDWELL BANKER ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE INC, BROKERA office. They are highly knowledgeable about the Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines market and are dedicated to helping clients achieve the most profitable sale of their properties. AMBER MARIE ESTABROOKS's creative thinking in real estate has led to a thriving career. AMBER MARIE ESTABROOKS strives to make the transaction as easy and enjoyable as possible for clients.

Upon examination of AMBER MARIE ESTABROOKS's active listings, we found that they have 1 properties for sale in Pharmasave Carlton Heights, St. Catharines and its surrounding regions. Their active listings had a mean listing price of $ 525,000. The proportion of AMBER MARIE ESTABROOKS's listings is 100 percent houses, 0 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 0 percent other types of properties.

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