About Heritage Heights, Lethbridge

Heritage Heights is a beautiful residential community located in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. It is a highly sought-after neighborhood that attracts families and individuals seeking a peaceful and tranquil lifestyle. The area boasts several amenities and facilities that cater to the diverse needs of its residents. One of the major highlights of Heritage Heights is its stunning natural backdrop. The community is surrounded by lush greenery, which makes it an ideal spot for outdoor enthusiasts. Residents can enjoy various activities, including hiking, fishing, and camping, in the nearby parks and open spaces. Heritage Heights is also home to several parks and playgrounds, which offer plenty of recreational opportunities for families with kids. The community has everything from large soccer fields to smaller playgrounds perfect for toddlers, ensuring everyone can find an activity that suits their age and interests. In terms of infrastructure, Heritage Heights is well-connected to the rest of Lethbridge, with public transportation easily accessible. It is also close to several shopping centers, restaurants, and other crucial amenities, making it a convenient place to live. Another notable feature of Heritage Heights is its diverse housing options. The community offers a mix of single-family homes, townhouses, and condos, allowing residents to choose a housing option that fits their budget and lifestyle. Overall, Heritage Heights offers residents a serene environment, plenty of outdoor activities, and access to all the amenities needed for a comfortable life. It's no wonder that this community is among the most popular places to live in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

How We Pick Our Top Realtors

We pick the top realtors for a community by looking at the current listings in the area, online reviews, and social media presence. We weigh our rankings towards agents with the most listings within a community, positive online reviews, and a positive social media presence.We periodically update our information and last reviewed Heritage Heights, Lethbridge on May 22 2023.

Our Top Realtor Picks

Google Reviews
Average Listing Price $401,080 $334,857 $186,566 $186,566 $292,775
Number of active listings 15 14 3 3 12
% Houses
% Condo/Townhouse
% Commercial/Retail
% Vacant Land
% Other
Website Website Website Website
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In Heritage Heights, Lethbridge, SHAUNA GRUNINGER is a trusted real estate professional. SHAUNA GRUNINGER works out of the local RE/MAX REAL ESTATE - LETHBRIDGE office. They are highly knowledgeable about the Heritage Heights, Lethbridge real estate market and are dedicated to helping clients achieve the best possible price for their properties. SHAUNA GRUNINGER’s innovative approach to real estate has led to their successful career. SHAUNA GRUNINGER focuses on ensuring that clients have a pleasant and hassle-free transaction.

We discovered that SHAUNA GRUNINGER has 15 active listings for sale in Heritage Heights, Lethbridge and the surrounding areas upon our review of their listings. Their active listings had an average price of $ 401,080. SHAUNA GRUNINGER's listings consist of 80 percent houses, 13 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 7 percent other kinds of properties.

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In the Heritage Heights, Lethbridge area, JUSTIN MYER is a respected real estate professional. JUSTIN MYER's office is situated within the Lethbridge Real Estate.com office location. Their knowledge of the local Heritage Heights, Lethbridge market is extensive, and they are committed to helping clients get the best price for their properties. Their innovative thinking in real estate has contributed to JUSTIN MYER's accomplished career. JUSTIN MYER's objective is to exceed client expectations by providing a seamless and enjoyable transaction.

JUSTIN MYER's active listings feature 14 properties currently available for purchase in and around Heritage Heights, Lethbridge. The average price of their active listings was $ 334,857 JUSTIN MYER's listings consist of 71 percent houses, 29 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 0 percent other kinds of properties.

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DARREL BORBELY is a real estate professional working in Heritage Heights, Lethbridge. DARREL BORBELY is a team member at the local MAXWELL PERFORMANCE office. They have extensive knowledge of the local real estate market in Heritage Heights, Lethbridge and are committed to helping clients achieve the highest possible price for their properties. Their innovative approach to real estate has been a significant contributor to DARREL BORBELY's career accomplishments. DARREL BORBELY's aim is to make the transaction process as easy and enjoyable as possible for clients.

Our review of DARREL BORBELY's active listings reveals that they have 3 properties listed for sale in the Heritage Heights, Lethbridge area. Their active listings averaged $ 186,566 in price. The proportion of DARREL BORBELY's listings is 0 percent houses, 100 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 0 percent other.


LISA FRIESEN is a Heritage Heights, Lethbridge-based real estate professional. LISA FRIESEN is a team member at the local MAXWELL PERFORMANCE office. They have a deep knowledge of the Heritage Heights, Lethbridge market and are committed to helping clients obtain the maximum value for their properties. Their innovative approach to real estate has allowed LISA FRIESEN to achieve career success. LISA FRIESEN is committed to making the transaction process a smooth and enjoyable experience for clients.

We discovered that LISA FRIESEN has 3 active listings for sale in Heritage Heights, Lethbridge and the surrounding areas upon our review of their listings. The average price of their active listings was $ 186,566 The breakdown of their listings was 0 percent houses, 100 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 0 percent other.


In Heritage Heights, Lethbridge, JENNIFER BRODOWAY is an accomplished real estate professional. JENNIFER BRODOWAY operates out of the Lethbridge Real Estate.com office. They possess significant knowledge of the Heritage Heights, Lethbridge real estate market and are committed to helping clients achieve top dollar for their properties. JENNIFER BRODOWAY's innovative ideas in real estate have led to their accomplished career. JENNIFER BRODOWAY's objective is to exceed client expectations by providing a seamless and enjoyable transaction.

We noted that JENNIFER BRODOWAY has 12 active listings for sale in and around Heritage Heights, Lethbridge after reviewing their listings. Their active listings had an average listing price of $ 292,775. JENNIFER BRODOWAY's listings are composed of 67 percent houses, 33 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 0 percent other properties.

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In Heritage Heights, Lethbridge, BRYAN PEREVERSEFF is a trusted real estate professional. BRYAN PEREVERSEFF's office is located at the Royal Lepage South Country - Lethbridge office. They are deeply knowledgeable about the local Heritage Heights, Lethbridge market and are committed to helping clients achieve the highest possible price for their properties. BRYAN PEREVERSEFF's inventive approach to real estate has been a catalyst for their career growth. Creating a positive and enjoyable transaction experience for clients is BRYAN PEREVERSEFF's top priority.

As per our review of BRYAN PEREVERSEFF's active listings, we found 6 properties currently available for purchase in and around Heritage Heights, Lethbridge. Their active listings had an average price of $ 380,733. The breakdown of their listings was 83 percent houses, 17 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 0 percent other.


JAIMIE SLINGERLAND is a professional who deals with real estate in Heritage Heights, Lethbridge. JAIMIE SLINGERLAND is a team member at the local 2 PERCENT REALTY office. They have extensive knowledge of the local real estate market in Heritage Heights, Lethbridge and are dedicated to obtaining the highest possible price for their clients' properties. Their innovative approach to real estate has allowed JAIMIE SLINGERLAND to achieve career success. JAIMIE SLINGERLAND is dedicated to ensuring that clients have a pleasurable experience during and after the transaction.

As per our review of JAIMIE SLINGERLAND's active listings, we found 6 properties currently available for purchase in and around Heritage Heights, Lethbridge. Their active listings had a mean listing price of $ 351,983. JAIMIE SLINGERLAND's listings consist of 83 percent houses, 17 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 0 percent other types of properties.


TRACEY DUMONCEAU is a real estate broker in Heritage Heights, Lethbridge. TRACEY DUMONCEAU is based at the Lethbridge Real Estate.com office as a real estate professional. They have extensive knowledge of the local real estate market in Heritage Heights, Lethbridge and are committed to helping clients achieve the highest possible price for their properties. TRACEY DUMONCEAU's inventive thinking in real estate has been a key ingredient in their career success. TRACEY DUMONCEAU strives to provide clients with a seamless and pleasurable transaction experience.

Upon reviewing TRACEY DUMONCEAU's active listings, we discovered 4 properties for sale in Heritage Heights, Lethbridge and the surrounding region. The average cost of their active listings was $ 374,900. TRACEY DUMONCEAU's listings are distributed among 100 percent houses, 0 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 0 percent other properties.

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In Heritage Heights, Lethbridge, TAD CONSTABLE is a knowledgeable real estate professional. TAD CONSTABLE is based at the Royal Lepage South Country - Lethbridge office. Their knowledge of the local Heritage Heights, Lethbridge market is extensive, and they are committed to helping clients obtain the highest possible price for their properties. Their innovative approach to real estate has been an essential element in TAD CONSTABLE's career success. TAD CONSTABLE strives to provide clients with a seamless and pleasurable transaction experience.

TAD CONSTABLE's active listings feature 2 properties currently listed for sale in and around Heritage Heights, Lethbridge, as per our review. The average asking price for their active listings was $ 564,800. TAD CONSTABLE's listings are composed of 50 percent houses, 0 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 50 percent other types of real estate.

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KARLA PYRCH is an experienced real estate professional serving Heritage Heights, Lethbridge. KARLA PYRCH is stationed as an agent at the Real Estate Centre - Lethbridge office location. They are deeply knowledgeable about the Heritage Heights, Lethbridge market and are committed to maximizing the value of their clients' properties. Their unique approach to real estate has been instrumental in KARLA PYRCH's career advancement. KARLA PYRCH is committed to making the transaction process a smooth and enjoyable experience for clients.

Our review of KARLA PYRCH's active listings shows that they have 1 properties listed for sale in the Heritage Heights, Lethbridge area. The average price for their active listings was $ 429,000. KARLA PYRCH's listings are composed of 100 percent houses, 0 percent condos/townhouses, 0 percent commercial/retail, 0 percent vacant land, and 0 percent other properties.

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